Thursday, September 10, 2015

A campaign place to call home

I want the action in the game to focus on the city first. A place for players to get their hero feet wet. Having the game set at possibly a step in-between street heroes and 4 color was about right for the power level I wanted. So yeah, I needed a city.

I wanted some flexibility and something familiar. A coastal city for sure. Having the sea part of the environment opens up a lot of potential adventure and villain ideas. I didn't want something too big in population and also wanted to shy away from an actual city. Something fictional was what I was shooting for.

So I dug around a while and managed to dig up an old copy of a city location from Mutants and Masterminds. It had just about everything I was looking for, just the right size of an urban area on the coast. I dug the idea of a smaller port city, possibly a colony from a non-English country, that eventually became US territory. Liberty stuck in my head. Something a bit corny and patriotic, it was the perfect place to host a new superhero group.